CEU: Transition Survival 102: Principal Skills to Assess & Learn for Successful Transition
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BCBA CEUs: 2- BACB General
QABA CEUs: 2- General
IBAO CEUs: 2- General
APA/CESA: 2 General (Home Study)
Description: Now that we have mastered the tenets of what is needed and accessible to individuals with autism and disabilities from our Transition Survival 101 training, we will look at how to develop solid goals and objectives in a transition plan using specific tools and assessments to aid in this process. This webcast begins with a review of the well-studied, principal, critical skills every person needs to survive independently in our world. These skills are not specific to a disability, mental illness, or cognitive function, but simply a breakdown of what all persons need in their behavioral repertoire to independently function in our community today. This list is important to consider when planning for living arrangements, post-secondary education, vocational placement, and community integration for persons with autism.
TIMELINE: This course, on its own has a license for active use for 30-days unless it is purchased as part of a bundle/library.
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve, or endorse Special Learning, the materials, information, or sessions identified herein.
NOTE: CEs claimed on any training completed can only be claimed once. If you repeat training you’ve already claimed CEs on, you won’t be able to claim the CEs again. Please ensure you have not already completed and claimed the CEs for the training module before purchase. Want to customize your training? You can build your own CE library. See our main page!. For cancellations and refunds, please see our policy.

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